Probably everyone knows about the existence of useful products for potency. They all work due to the content of certain vitamins, trace elements and other substances. for men, these products are recommended not only to combat an existing disorder, but also for preventive purposes. We will look at the best potency products that we recommend you remember and use at least periodically.

Herbal products should play an important role in the diet of the stronger sex, who care about health. It is desirable to use fresh, but light heat treatment is allowed. This is the only way to preserve most of the nutrients with vitamins. Among the most useful herbal products for good potency are:
- Onions restore blood circulation, preventing blood stasis in the pelvic area.
- Garlic is a powerful aphrodisiac that prolongs sexual intercourse. It works almost instantly and you can add it to many dishes.
- Ginger is a good antioxidant and aphrodisiac. Improves the quality of sexual life, strengthens the immune system, increases the flow of hemolymph to the pelvis and prevents various disorders.
- Tomatoes are also considered an aphrodisiac, increase sexual desire and awaken sensuality. They should be eaten fresh.
- Celery and dill are some of the most useful herbal products for male potency and many members of the stronger sex know about it.
It is a natural aphrodisiac with many trace elements that contribute to the production of thyroxine. This hormone increases the excitability of the nerve centers in the male body. The biggest benefits are:
- red meat, especially beef and lamb;
- dietary varieties - chicken, rabbit and turkey.
They are especially useful when steamed, but this meat can be stewed or baked in the oven. The main thing is not to abuse this useful product for potency. We do not recommend eating meat in large portions, as it puts a strain on the intestines and forces the body to expend a lot of energy on digestive processes. All this can have the opposite effect.
Regular consumption of nuts helps increase potency, as they contain many vitamins B and E, magnesium and zinc. An important role is played by arginine, which is present in nuts and stimulates the production of nitric oxide, a substance without which an erection is impossible.
To normalize the potency of men, it is recommended to add nuts to the diet, such as:
- almonds;
- hazelnut;
- porridge;
- walnuts.
For maximum benefit, mix different varieties and add a little honey to them only if you are not allergic to it.
Fish and seafood
Unlike meat, fish is digested quickly and also has a positive effect on male potency. Phosphorus and iodine support potency, so it is recommended to eat this healthy product at least twice a week. Better choose marine varieties - they have more benefits and cook in a slow cooker, double boiler or oven.
As for seafood, they are powerful aphrodisiacs. The most useful are squid, shrimp, mussels. They restore the number of sperm and normalize the work of the reproductive system. It is advisable to cook seafood with minimal heat treatment to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients.
Quail eggs
Among the most useful products for potency in men, quail eggs are not the last. By using them daily, you will notice positive results in a short time. The product contains a lot of iron, phosphorus and amino acids necessary for the functioning of the reproductive system.
We recommend eating raw quail eggs without fear of salmonellosis. Drink up to four testicles a day.
Some of the sweets are also useful for male potency. Among them you should emphasize honey, which can be mixed with prunes, sesame seeds, dried fruits or seeds to obtain a powerful restorative agent. As already mentioned, honey goes well with nuts.
Another useful jam for potency is natural dark chocolate. Restores male strength and significantly increases potency, improves mood, removes stress and sharpens the feeling of attraction to women.